Days Before:
- Eat as wholesome as possible in the days leading up to your Kambo ceremony. Diminish or eliminate fried food, over processed food and alcohol. Drink plenty of water so that your tissues are hydrated. Adding electrolytes (non-sugar) and liquid minerals to your water will help prepare your body.
- The day before the ceremony, make an effort to avoid sugar, heavy starches, and fatty foods if possible. For example, eat light/fresh steamed veggies, soups, fruits, quinoa, fish, or chicken.
- No consumption of alcohol or drugs for a minimum of 24 to 48 hours before (and after) the ceremony.
Day of:
- The day of the ceremony you will fast from food. No consumption of food (especially salt) or fluid for a minimum of 8 to 12 hours before the Kambo ceremony.
- Prepare your intentions.
- Allow 2 to 3 hours minimum after the ceremony to recuperate.